Cardiac Arrest #1: 40 YOM, Chest pain / DIB


Pt was a forty-year-old Middle Eastern male, a slim build with no medical history. He arrived from the Middle East a few months ago in the Uk and had been staying with relatives. The event occurred during a Tier 4 Covid lockdown level (‘Stay at home’).

Main Complaint

Pt was complaining of feeling generally unwell for approximately two weeks and was advised to isolate by medical services. Symptoms never resolved.

That evening, alerted family that he had chest pain and difficulty in breathing before collapsing immedaitely, witnessed by relatives.

The Job

Effective bystander chest compressions ongoing on arrival.

Time from call to pads on: 15 minutes.

Rhythm: Asystole.

ALS started: 30 minutes.

ADX x 2.

ROSC achieved @ 34 minutes.

ROSC ECG (with visual enhancement).

ROSC was lost x 4 (2 ons, 2 en route) and gained after each adrenaline. Pt was obviously ionotropic dependent. No syringe driver available. Pt was handed over to hospital resusciation team in ROSC.

The outcome was negative and the patient was declared deceased by the hospital resus team.

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